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This year's "Welcome Day", which marks the start of the new apprentices at IPETRONIK every year, took place on September 1st. This year, the new apprentices started at the headquarters in Baden-Baden.
Their first day was all about getting to know each other and began with a short introduction and a subsequent tour of the 3 different IPETRONIK buildings in Baden-Baden. The apprentices received a short introduction to the different areas and got to know the different IPETRONIK employees during a short round of introductions.
At lunch, they were able to discuss their experiences and expectations with some of the current apprentices and thus establish initial contacts with their new colleagues. Afterwards, they received their personal welcome bag, which contained information about the company and the training process, as well as some small promotional gifts. Throughout the day, they were accompanied by the HR department and provided with all the information necessary. Afterwards, they received their equipment from IT and were instructed in the IT infrastructure as well as in the various digital tools, so that they could now start their professional life well prepared.
IPETRONIK offers opportunities for apprenticeships and dual students in the technical as well as in the administrative field. With years of experience in training, the company provides a qualified companion for the start of professional life and thus fulfills its role in society by enabling young people to start their careers. At the Baden-Baden and Bergkirchen sites, IPETRONIK provides apprenticeships in the professions of electronics technician for devices and systems, IT specialist for application development, industrial clerk, IT specialist for system integration, mechatronics technician, and mechatronics technician for chilling technology. The start of training in 2022 also means the starting signal for the beginning of the application process for 2023. You can find more information about the apprenticeships at IPETRONIK on our careers page.