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Our 2024 trade fair year begins in Las Vegas and Pune!


CES® is the global stage for innovation - the world's most influential technology event. The event brings together innovators, decision-makers and media, and also provides the ultimate platform for (new, emerging) brands to showcase their latest products. SIAT serves as a forum for exchanging ideas and brainstorming for the entire automotive industry and is held every two years. The theme for 2024 is "Change towards progressive mobility".

As a global company for mobile measurement technology, DAQ software, engineering services and test bench technology in the automotive and aerospace industries are happy to announce that we will exhibit at the CES® 2024! Visit our booth 5677 at the show in Las Vegas, Nevada. From January 9th to January 12th, you can experience our latest measurement technology solutions and meet our experts. We are looking forward to meeting you!

And we will also be represented at SIAT! From January 23 to 25, you can meet us in Pune at the Pune International Exhibition and Convention Center at booth 10, where you will have the opportunity to experience our measurement technology live and get advice from our experts. We look forward to your visit!

No time to visit the CES® or SIAT? Then check out our event calendar! We regularly present our latest products at the world's most important trade fairs and events. Here, you can find out where and when you can meet us live in person!

If you have any further questions, our sales team will be glad to assist you.
Phone +49 7221 9922 222